General fitness is all to do with your mental and physical health. It can be from what sports you participate in to which foods you eat.
Fitness test aid evaluate your body general fitness. it evaluates by make you exercise out some tact.
there are to tyes of fitness general and specific
need to be physically well and have general good fitness.
The meaning of social fitness is the social well-being of a person. This is the desired state of general participation in a society.
Elmwood Fitness Center offers activities such as swimming lessons, gymnastics teams, cheerleading, and general fitness programs, for children as well as adults.
the use of weight to improve general fitness, health and appearance
Life Fitness has some reviews. To read them, visit their review and feedback section to get a general idea on the quality and efficiency of their programs.
General fitness is a personal thing for you and requires you to decide what your goals are and then look for the information to help you achieve those goals. Here is an article that may be helpful and a link to a fitness guru.That I like. 4 Tips to Get Your Dream Body By Arnt Uthenn…
Your question is defined by a very thin line. The two are almost synonymous actually. General fitness refers to fitness of the body as a whole. This can be accomplished in so many ways that a book can and has been written on it. Physical fitness, I'm sorry to say is virtually the same thing. Some may argue that there are specific ways to become physically fit, like weightlifting, cycling etc. At the risk of furthering any confusing, I suggest you refine your question to something that inquires about the differences between training for something specific, and training for general health.
Squat stands can be purchased from online sporting goods stores such as Rogue Fitness and Fitness Superstore, and general web stores such as Amazon. You can also find such items in fitness stores in the high street.
If this is meant to say 'kinect' and is it for the xbox/ if so then yes it improves your general fitness