High Resolution Resistivity
High Resolution Radar
Handover Resource Reservation
All these 3 are abrevated as HRR
Human Rights Association
F - For A - All T - The H - Heart's E - Endless R - Relation
E a r t h l e a k a g e c i r c u i t b r e a k e r ( e l c b )
R-regularity o-obident h-honest a-allrounder n-nationality feeling
h-------high style e-------easy to understand a-------amused r--------romeo t--------talanted
M moral o obliging t teacher h humble e eligible r respectful
T - Talented E - Educated A - Adorable C - Charming H - Helpful E - Encouraging R - Responsible.
T - Talented E - Excellent A - Adorable C - Charming H - Humble E - Encouraging R - Responsible
T - Talented E - Excellent A - Adorable C - Charming H - Humble E - Encouraging R - Responsible
M moral o obliging t teacher h humble e eligible r respectful
The full form of the acronym WHO is World Health Organization
full form of sorry is S some O one R recently R raped Y you