It means u luv to be in luv so much u can see the good or attractiveness in people that u may feel luv instantly for the time
by doing love to him/here .
Changeable, flighty, temperamental, unpredictable, volatile, or unstable. Those words mean fickle.
Guided by whims and fickle ideas.
fickle is an adjective
You are so fickle!
The noun form for the adjective fickle is fickleness.
im in a fickle
He blames the poor sales on fickle customers. Fickle meaning the tendency to change often. Not being stable/steadfast.
Capricious, and fickle mean quick and changeable in temperament.
An excellent idea. A mans love and desire should be with one and only one girl. He may be fickle, and fickle is not something you want in either a man or a woman for that fact.
The duration of The Lady Is Fickle is 1.27 hours.
"Fickle" in English is volubile in Italian.