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fecal impaction happens when a body doesn't eliminate waste (constipation) and it gets all clogged up. It can become very hard and may need assistance in getting it out of the rectum.

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14y ago

Obstruction of the rectum by a large mass of feces (stool).

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What is the prognosis for a patient with fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence is a problem that usually responds well to professional medical treatment, even among elderly and institutionalized patients. If complete bowel control cannot be restored, the impact of incontinence on everyday life can.

What is fecal in Tagalog?

In Tagalog, "fecal" can be translated as "dumi" or "titi."

What fecal in Tagalog?

"Fecal" in Tagalog is "dumi ng tao" or "ekskremento."

Is fecal stasis and fecal impaction same?

Not exactly. Fecal stasis just means that there hasn't been any bowel movements. While fecal impaction means some of the stool has become hardened and prevents the passage of more stool. Fecal impaction is one cause of fecal stasis.

What is fecal disimpaction?

Fecal disimpaction is the removal of impacted feces in the rectum.

When was Fecal Matter - band - created?

Fecal Matter - band - was created in 1985.

When did Fecal Matter - band - end?

Fecal Matter - band - ended in 1986.

Is fecal matter present in bologna?

There should be no fecal matter present in bologna.

Is fecal material a biomass or fossil fuel?

Fecal material is a biomass and is renewable.

What is fecal odor breath?

Fecal odor breath is poop/dung breath

Is fecal matter inorganic?

No, fecal matter has plenty of organic content; it is rife with bacteria.

What is fecal snow?

Fecal snow is a sort of urban legend. It is believed that some of the fecal matter from sewage plants evaporates into the air, condenses, and falls back to the earth as snow.