Extravasation refers to the leakage of fluids from a vein into the surrounding tissues.
That is the correct spelling of the medical term "cannulation" (using a drainage tube).
The term 'cannulation' is used to denote a tube or cannula being inserted into the body. Cannulation is used to administer medication, or to withdraw fluid from the body.
The superficial veins of the upper extremities are best for cannulation.
Extravasation comes from the term extravate, which means to force or squeeze something out. Extravasation is most commonly used as a medical term as it relates to urology, epidemiology and other fields where this type of action takes place within the human body.
Big petechiae are caused by the extravasation of blood into the surrounding tissue due to a break in the blood vessels. This can be a result of trauma, certain medical conditions, or medications that affect the blood's clotting ability. It is important to determine the underlying cause of the extravasation to guide appropriate treatment.
31002 - lavage by cannulation; sphenoid sinus
Extravasation can cause tissue necrosis.
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Extravasation occurs when a medication or solution being administered intravenously leaks into the surrounding tissue rather than staying within the vein. This can happen due to various reasons such as damaged veins, incorrect positioning of the IV catheter, or high pressure during infusion. It is important to monitor for signs of extravasation, such as swelling, pain, or tissue damage, and take immediate action to minimize potential harm to the patient.
Infiltration and Extravasation are problems that can result from intravenous fluids. Infiltration is the leaking of the fluid into the tissue surrounding the vein. This happens when the tip of the catheter is no longer inserted in the vein, but is not removed from the patient. Extravasation is the leakage of vesicant fluids into the tissues. Vesicants are known to be more caustic and can cause burns.
Treatment options for dopamine extravasation include stopping the infusion immediately, applying cold compresses to the site to reduce inflammation, elevating the affected limb, and administering phentolamine to reverse the vasoconstrictive effects of dopamine. Severe cases may require surgical intervention or skin grafting.