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Internal QC is from within the organization; external is from outside...

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Q: What is external quality control program?
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Who maintains quality control of an accounting information system?

Quality control of AISs involves many activities, including the services of both external auditors (public accountants) and internal auditors.

What are the duties and responsibilities of program officer?

A program officer is in charge of running a program. A program officer's responsibilities include organization, staffing, and quality control.

Which body monitors compliance with the quality standards?

Quality control departments are responsible for monitoring compliance with quality standards within an organization. These departments ensure that products or services meet the required quality specifications and standards set by the organization or external regulatory bodies. Regular inspections, audits, and testing are some of the methods used by quality control departments to verify compliance.

What is the difference between internal and external variables?

Internal variables are those that are within the control or influence of the system or entity being studied, while external variables are those that are outside of its control or influence. Internal variables are typically more easily manipulated in an experiment, while external variables are often more difficult to control for.

What is difference between quality assurance and quality control?

quality assurance refers to activities associated with guaranteeing the quality of a product or service. quality control is based on the scientific method, which includes the phases of analysis, relation, and generalization.

Q1 b How Operator Quality Control is different from Foreman Quality Control?

Q.1 (a) How Operator Quality Control is different from Foreman Quality Control?

What is meant by 'quality control' when making foods commercially?

quality control is a program put in place at factories that checks every some odd number of products so that they can make sure that their products are being prepared up to their standards and that nothing is wrong with them.

Is self control the best form of control explain?

This explination is that when trying to implement any form of strategy , plan , rule , policy or quality standard. The best form of control is oneself and not an external invidulator. Self control costs nothing and cannot be untrained . ....... Clinton Johns

What is the of statical quality control chart?

different between quality control & quality assurance

What does EQA stand for?

External Quality Assessment

What are benefits of external quality audits?


How do you spell quality controle?

The correct spelling is quality control.