Love is an emotion; it means to care for the other person enough to want their happiness and security more than you want your own.
Woo is an action; you woo someone to gain their affection.
Yes it is a verb it means to seek the favor, affection, or love of, especially with a view to marriage. He tried hard to woo her love
try to woo him
You can say: Woo Xiang Gan Ni.
first of all , we should say i love you on the first april
To solicit in love; to court., To court solicitously; to invite with importunity., To court; to make love.
i love wwe wrestling woo woo woo you know it , anyway i think that the french eat frogs legs but not all the time because the french also eat pizzas and pastries !
There are many different kinds of love. There is romantic love, family love, and the love of friends and pets. Not all love has to be between a man and a woman.
Its "CAN you woo woo woo" from "You Should Be Mine [The Woo Woo Song]" by Jeffrey Osbourne of LTD Fame. Enjoy!
You woo hoo the same way you would any other sim game. You make 2 people fall in love, buy a double bed, make them both relax and select woo hoo.
Magic walrus
WOO! A hot guy! WOO-WOO-WOO!