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Celadrin lubricates the joints. Glucosamine generally only rebuilts cartilage in the joints.

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Q: What is difference between celadrin and glucosamine chondroitin?
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Is there a nice vet who would tell me if I can give glucosamine supplements marketed for human consumption to my dogs. The dogs are two years old in great health and weight between 8 and 10 lbs.?

Well I'm not a vet, but I am a vet tech. I know the doctors at the clinic I work at recomend to give human glucosamine supplenments to patients all the time (that usually have joint issues). You could also find a good dog food that have Glucosamine in it. Glucosamine is glucosamine. It is a supplement and is not dog/human specigic. Glucosamine with Chondroitin works well too.

Does Glucosamine Chondroitin Work?

It seems that recent testing of glucosamine is in fact showing that the relief afforded by glucosamine is not all that marketing has cracked it up to be. This treatment is supposed to help replace bad cartilage however I personally have patiently shelled out many dollars in the vain hope that it would do me some good and it has not. Fro personal experience I know another 3 people that have undergone the same experience.

What is the most common type of cartilage found between bones in freely moveable joints?

Light micrograph of hyaline cartilage is a flexible connective tissue. This is including the joints between bones. To maintain this, one would need to take glucosamine chondroitin or something similar.

Will dysplasia in dogs happen over night?

Hip Dysplasia is a progressive genetic joint disease.It is not predictable as to when or even if a dog with HD will start showing signs of lameness due to pain. There are many environmental factors, including caloric intake and the level of exercise, which can affect the severity of pain and lameness. Many dysplastic dogs with severe HD can run, jump, and play as if nothing is wrong, and other dogs with barely any HD x-ray indications are severely lame.Eventually, when the joint cartilage wears away there is a bone to bone contact, which creates osteoarthritis.Initial treatment is aimed at relieving pain and improving function with medication for the treatment of degenerative joint disease. If pain cannot be controlled there are surgical procedures which may relieve pain and improve function in some dogs.Many people swear by the daily use of a Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplement to help slow the progression of the condition. The time to begin supplementing a dog's diet withGlucosamine and Chondroitin, is before the condition becomes advanced. Glucosamine in a pure form, or combined with chondroitin, can be purchased in health food stores, at veterinary clinics, and in pet supply catalogs. Products that contain human grade glucosamine and chondroitin are much more likely to be of high quality and in a purer form. Products designed for dogs often have ascorbic acid or manganese to help aid in the uptake of glucosamine in dogs. Products made especially for dogs may be flavored or fortified with other minerals. The most expensive product is not always the best. Compare the ingredients between products to ensure that you are getting what you pay for. Some of the most popular products for dogs include Drs. Foster and Smith's Joint Care, Cosequin, and Glycoflex, or ask your vet for a product recommendation.Your dog would need to receive the glucosamine and chondroitin supplement daily for at least 8 weeks before you see better mobility. Your dog will need to take glucosamine and chondroitin supplements for the rest of his life, because if he stops taking them, he'll begin to experience a recurrence of arthritis symptoms in four to six months.Glucosamine and chondroitin do not control pain, so using some kind of pain control medication is necessary. After the first 8 weeks you can decrease the amount of pain medication to see how well your dog is doing.

Can aspirin and glucosamine be taken at the same time?

It is generally safe to take aspirin and glucosamine together, as there are no known interactions between the two. However, it is always wise to consult with a healthcare provider before combining medications or supplements to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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