avr is high speed cmpar to 8051.in 8051 there are less number of instructions
there is an a
internal and external memory
write it in 8085
E.g. 8085, 8086, 8255, 8051, 6800, 8257, 8251 and many more...
The highest priority interrupt in the 8085 is the TRAP interrupt.
89s51 and 89s52 both are same version of 8051 microcontroller
The most significant difference between the Intel 8085 and 8086 microprocessors is that the 8085 is an 8-bit system and the 8086 is a 16-bit system. This difference allows the 8086 system to have a much larger set of operational instructions and can make calculations to more significant places. Note: the 8085 processor does have two 16-bit registers. The pointer and the program counter.
there are 74 instruction sets in the 8085 up which consist of 246 bit pattern.
The 8085 has a single +5V power supplyThe 8085 has a multiplexed low order address busThe 8085 has extra single pin interrupts, TRAP, RST7.5, RST6.5, and RST5.5The 8085 has serial I/O pins SID and SODThe 8085 has maskable interrupts and the RIM/SIM instructionThe 8085 includes the functionality of the 8224 clock genereator and 8228 system controllerThe 8085 added several 16 bit operations
The difference is that those MCUs that start with 80 are romless, those with 87 use EPROM erasable by light