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It is found that certain demographic indicators, including expectation of life at birth, the Infant Mortality Rate, and proportion of the population under 15 years of age, distinguish between rich and poor countries.

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Q: What is demographic gap?
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What does demographic gap mean?

The existence of a demographic gap parallel to the economic and social gap found among nations and among social classes and regional units within nations is noted. An attempt is made "to describe the main features of the demographic gap, the indicators that may be used to measure such a gap, the adequacy of the indicators, and the possibility of utilizing economic and social indicators as proxies for the demographic indicators." It is found that certain demographic indicators, including expectation of life at birth, the infant mortality rate, and proportion of the population under 15 years of age, distinguish between rich and poor countries. It is also found that life expectancy and infant mortality are highly correlated with literacy and combined primary and secondary school enrollment, while gross domestic product is poorly correlated with other indicators of development

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The prefix of "demographic" is "demo-".

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Demographic change means there has been a change in the population. The demographic can change in terms of its size, the age of the demographic, lifestyle expectations etc.

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Tagalog translation of demographic - demograpiya

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