This is an educated guess. De novo assembly means newly assembled. Imagine that a virus can be made in two fragments which have the ability to self-assemble. When the parts come together under the right conditions, they might re-assemble. If the re-assembly is correct, then the virus might be re-assembled into a fully functional virus.
With synthetic Biology, this is within the realm of reality.
De Novo Dahl was created in 2001.
The duration of Começar de Novo is 3000.0 seconds.
Começar de Novo was created on 2004-08-30.
Começar de Novo ended on 2005-04-16.
Felix Novo de Oliveira was born on October 2, 1978.
Sporting Clube de Porto Novo was created in 1956.
Isidro Novo has written: 'Antollos de Eimarmena'
A de novo sentence is a sentence imposed by a court without considering any prior sentence or recommendation. It is usually given when a previous sentence is determined to be invalid or improper, requiring a new sentence to be issued.
The cast of Tudo de Novo - 2010 includes: Pedro Cunha Rita Trigo
Guigo de Castro Novo. has written: 'The solitary life' 'Meditationes Guigonis Prioris Cartusiae'
new trail
It requires primer to start de novo synthesis. Glycogen synthase require 4 glucose already present in the chain.