Under these circumstances, one or more persons suffering from the symptoms listed above strongly suggests CO poisoning.
Salminella poisoning
A virus or illness causing fever and headache: flu.
Food poisoning can cause vomiting.
Blood poisoning is the presence in the bloodstream of microorganisms or their toxins in sufficient quantity to cause severe illness.
Bacteria and viruses are two organisms which might cause food poisoning or food borne illness.
To prevent cream (as in cream from milk) from causing foodborne illness, the cream should be pasteurized, stored refrigerated and used before it spoils. Most products using cream as an ingredient should probably be refrigerated, too.
food poisoning means illness caused by poisonous and caúsed by eating food contanimated with bacteria.
Anyone who is exposed to CO will become sick, and the entire body is involved in CO poisoning.
Salmonella or Food poisoning
E Coli poisoning is one example
Indigestion and illness: food poisoning.
To prevent spreading illness through contaminated food.