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Q: What is considered normal blood histamine levels?
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You would expect blood levels of what to be high when the pH of stomach chyme is at its lowest?

Histamine levels would be high in the blood when the pH of stomach chyme is at its lowest. Histamine is released by enterochromaffin-like cells in response to low pH levels in the stomach, and it stimulates the release of gastric acid.

What are considered high blood cholesterol levels per mg of 100ml of blood?

The Normal Range of Blood Cholesterol/100 ml Blood is 150 to 250 mg.

What levels must sugar in the blood be to be considered diabetis meritus?

If a person's blood sugar is measured above 126mg/Dl twice. Normal levels are less that 110 mg/DL. Doctors will do many different tests to find out your blood sugar levels to detect whether it's at a normal level.

What is blood sugar levels?

Hyperglycemia is having a higher than normal level of blood sugar (blood glucose). A blood glucose level over 100 measured before you eat in the morning would be considered higher than normal.

I'm looking for a simple chart to show normal blood glucose levels...?

Simple chart for normal blood glucose levels...

What is hyperglycemia blood sugar levels?

Hyperglycemia is having a higher than normal level of blood sugar (blood glucose). A blood glucose level over 100 measured before you eat in the morning would be considered higher than normal.

How does fasting affect glucose levels?

Fasting affects glucose levels by reducing below what might be considered normal levels. It is safe as long as blood glucose levels do not drop below around 60 milligrams.

What is considered "the normal range" in regards to blood sugar levels?

Normal blood sugar varies by person, although there is a range generally considered healthy. Low blood sugar could be a cause of low energy and extremely low blood sugar could be fatal. Too high and you run the risk of diabetes.

Where can I find normal blood sugar levels?

A person can find normal blood sugar levels by purchasing a blood a glucose machine. This helps them maintain the blood sugar level on a day to day basis.

Is histamine a neurotransmitter?

Histamine is a neurotransmitter produced by basophils (a type of white blood cell).

What is the effect of histamine on small as well as large blood vessels?

Histamine causes the dilation of the small blood vessels while constrict the large blood vessels.

How can I get my blood sugar levels normal?

The best way to get your blood sugar levels normal again is to watch your intake of carbohydrates. If you have high blood sugar levels, try to stick to foods that do not contain as many carbohydrates. If your blood sugars are low, try to up your intake of carbohydrates.