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Technically, a fever is any temperature above your normal temperature; most adults' normal temperature is 98.6° Fahrenheit. A low-grade fever for most adults would be slightly elevated, between around 98.7° F and 100.4° F, for a period of 24 hours. A high-grade fever is usually in the 103-104° F range and is cause to seek medical attention.

For infants and toddlers, the threshold is slightly lower. You should seek medical attention for a child under 3 months who has a rectal temperature of 100.4° F or higher. For children 3 to 6 months, seek medical attention if they’re especially irritable, lethargic or uncomfortable with a rectal temperature of 102° F, or have a rectal temperature above 102° F. For children 6 to 24 months, seek medical attention for a temperature of 102° F or higher that lasts longer than a day with no other symptoms; if they have other symptoms, you can seek medical attention sooner.

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Mac O'Connell

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4y ago
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9y ago

Normal body temp is 98.6. If it is 99.6+, it is a fever. If your body temp is 99.0-99.5, you may be having the signs of having one (you usually will feel hot, especially the cheeks, and sometimes the forehead), it can be called a low grade fever, tiny fever, or a small fever.

A fever is the body's response to an illness, or an infection. Sometimes, body temperatures can randomly escalate to 100-101 degrees for brief periods (shower, exercise, hot weather, too much clothing, dehydration), often in the afternoons.


Any elevated temperature in an infant, especially newborns, should be reported immediately to the pediatrician or obstetrician for care instructions, which may include hospitalization.

99.0-99.5 RANGE: SLIGHT - continue normal activities with caution.

99.6-101.9 RANGE: MILD - take little action, stay at home, sleep and rest.

102.0-102.9 RANGE: MODERATE- drink lots of fluids (at room temp of 72) to avoid dehydration, sleep and rest, don't use fever reducers yet unless instructed by a health care professional. Eat normal diet including fruits and vegetables to provide fiber and prevent constipation from slight dehydration.

103.0-104.9 RANGE: SEVERE - get to a doctor, use fever reducers sparingly (keep temp between 100-102 degrees to fight off your illness), get lots and lots of rest, eat normal amounts of healthy foods with fiber to ensure the digestive system is still functioning normally and avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids.

105.0-106.6 RANGE: DANGER- call 911, get immediate medical attention.

106.7+: LIFE-THREATENING- death or coma is possible, dial 911, and get medical attention right away. Hyperpyrexia and other disorders and diseases can cause fevers this high.


Oral Measurement:

NORMAL: 97.0-98.9

SMALL FEVER: 99.0-99.5

FEVER: 99.6-100.9

HIGH FEVER: 101.0+

Axilary Measurement:

NORMAL: 96.0-98.6

SMALL FEVER: 98.7-98.9

FEVER: 99.0-100.3

HIGH FEVER: 100.4+

Rectal Measurement (infants only):

NORMAL: 98.0-99.9

SMALL FEVER: 100.0-100.3

FEVER: 100.4-101.9

HIGH FEVER: 102.0+

Forehead Scan (new method)

NORMAL: 97.6-99.5

SMALL FEVER: 99.6-100.0

FEVER: 100.1-101.6

HIGH FEVER: 101.7+

Ear Measurement (least accurate)

NORMAL: 97.7-99.5

SMALL FEVER: 99.6-100.3

FEVER: 100.4-102.1

HIGH FEVER: 102.2+ You have a low fever when your body temperature is at least 99.5. Below 99.5 is considered as normal body temperature.
99.6 or above

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Wiki User

13y ago

if they are hot, have a warm forehead, are sweaty or flushed. If your baby is younger than 3 months, call the doc right away if their rectal tempature is 100.4 f or higher. For 3 to 6 month babies, call the doc if the temp is 101 f or higher, EVEN when they dont look sick!

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Average of 30-degree temperature always fever for our country.

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Wiki User

13y ago

99.8 if it is higher than 102, you need to get urgant help

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13y ago

Anything over 38oC (100.4oF) is a high temperature. Infants are particularly susceptible to the effects of temperature changes.

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Lvl 4
4y ago

Above 98.0° F.

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Emalyn W

Lvl 4
4y ago


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Lvl 4
4y ago

100,000,000 Fahrenheit

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Santosh Ghotne

Lvl 3
4y ago

102 temperature is considered fever.

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Q: What is considered a fever for an infant?
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What is considered fever for an infant?


What is considered fever if you take it axillary?

True fever is considered >100.3F. Axillary temps. are not very sensitive and should only be used as a starting point. If temp. seems high axillary most physicians will recommend that the temp. be rechecked rectally (if infant) or orally or tympanic if child/adult.

Is 38.6 Celsius considered fever?

38.6 °C (101.6 °F) is considered a fever, in fact it's considered a HIGH fever.

Is 100.8 considered a fever?

Any temperature above 98.6 is considered a fever.

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All fevers are too high for a 2 month old. You should always contact your doctor when an infant has any fever and do so as soon as possible. If the infant gets dehydration from the fever, it can cause serious, even life-threatening problems. Fever usually means infection, and infants do not have the immune system maturity to deal with it on their own. Always contact the doctor for infant and young children's symptoms of fever for advice.

Is 37.08 celsius considered having a fever?

37.08 Celsius is not considered having a fever.

Is 98.9 degrees Fahrenheit considered a fever?

yes, it is a considered a low-grade fever.

Is a 2-month-old infant considered a newborn?

Yes, a 2-month-old infant is still considered a newborn.

What is the lowest fever?

The lowest number considered a fever is 99.1

Is 99.3 a high fever?

99.3 F is not considered to be a fever.

Is 98.1 a FEVER?

a 98.1 is considered a fever but anything below is not

What age is considered a infant?

A human baby is considered an infant between the ages of 3 months and one year. Before a child is 3 months old they are considered a newborn and after a year in age they are considered a toddler.