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Colonge is a fragrence that guys wear, like Axe and stuff. It's like perfue, but for guys.

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Q: What is colonge?
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Related questions

Does Edward Cullen have a Colonge?

No, he doesn't.

Where is Colonge Cathedral located?

Try Cologne, Germany

What type of products does Abercrombie and Fitch have?

clothes, perfume, and colonge

Where do the Jonas Brothers get their colonge?

Abercrombie & Fitch ( Nick ) Abercrombie & Fitch

Does Nick Jonas like abacrobie?

Nick wears abercrombie colonge.

Do girls like colonge?

Answer:I'm a girl. My friends and I HATE the smell of one kind of it. Most we kinda like, but we don't love it on a guy. Answer:It depends on two things, the type of girl, and the type of colonge. Some girls love colonge, and some are just can't stand the smell of it. Some love one kind of colonge, but hate another kind. I am assuming that you meant too ask if girls like colonge on a guy, since there are few girls who would wear it themselves. Fact is, most girls and women like it when a guy wears a good colonge, but obvioulsy some of them just stink ( some colonges stink that is, not the women.). Armani colonges are usually pretty good too buy as they are very popular, they smell good, (Or at least most people think so) and they aren't very expensive. Answer:im a girl and i like SOME colognes just wear one that isn't overpowering but isn't too faint. that's just my opinion on the other hand . . . my friend doesnt like cologne

Which is better eau de parfum or colonge?

eau de parfum is a female fragrance. cologne is a male fragrance

Is American eagle colonge any good?

i assume you mean cologne.... and no. contains some dangerous chemicals apparently.

Where did the composer of fur elise come from?

The composer was Beethoven, born in Bonn, then the capital of the Electorate of Colonge, part of the Holy Roman Empire

What is sex in the city colonge made out of?

chicken fat, baby grease, battery acid, chinese take-out, erectile dysfunction, and yoplait.

What cathedral took the longest time to build?

The Cologne Cathedral in Colonge, Germany took 640 years to complete (1248-1880).

When was the colonge cathedral built?

Cologne Cathedral was built in 1248 at North-Rhine-Westphalen, Germany. Hernán Vilar Sao Paulo - Brasil