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what is blood coagulation?

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14y ago

it occurs to the albumin of an egg white.

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Q: What is coagulation of an egg?
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When an egg cooks the egg white changes from a transparent fluid to an opaque solid in a process know as?

It is called coagulation.

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What does coagulation mean in eggs?

Coagulation in eggs refers to the process of proteins in the egg denaturing and joining together to form a solid mass when exposed to heat, resulting in the cooked texture of eggs. This process is commonly seen when eggs are fried, boiled, or baked.

What is the humoral coagulation system?

The humoral coagulation system refers to the protein coagulation factor component.

What is the significance of coagulation?

Coagulation is a process where solids begin to form, in a liquid. Like when your cut begins to scab over, that is coagulation.

Coagulation in cooking?

Coagulation is the thickening of a dish due to gelling of fat or gelatin.

What is coagulation value?

normal values of blood coagulation is 4 to 7 min

Which of the following is important in blood coagulation?

Vitamin K is important in blood coagulation.

What word has a meaning similar to coagulation?

The word "clotting" applies to the coagulation of blood.

What is proteins coagulate?

Protein coagulation is the process where proteins change from a liquid to a solid state, usually as a result of heat denaturation or a change in pH. This process is commonly observed in cooking when egg whites solidify or when meat browns.