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You could possibly be talking about the bodily fluid that ejects when you are reaching a sexual climax, called ejaculate. When a guy is sexually aroused and about to reach orgasm, this is released, then having the potential to create a baby. I hope this is what you're referring to.

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Q: What is clear stuff that comes out of guys?
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Elements are the simplest chemical substances. Things like Sulphur, Oxygen, Sodium etc etc. I am guessing, because this is in the puberty section, that you mean is clear stuff that comes our of your penis sperm? The answer is no. Semen, the stuff that comes out of a guys penis when he has sex or masturbates contains a liquid (seminal fluid) and sperm. This mixture is usually a streaky creamy white colour. The clear liquid is usually just seminal fluid, although it may have a few sperm in it.

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baby batter, or to be more technical about it... semen or spermatozoa.

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Means you Are hitting puberty Search it Up for more info.

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It's when you cum...even simpler, when you ejaculate, or if you're a girl, it's that gooey clear stuff that comes out.

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stuff stuff is not a spectfic answer can you be more clear