Not really. Normal delivery is painful, but so is a C-section after the anesthesia wears off. But it takes a very long time to heal from a C-section and you can't do normal activities for weeks.
Natural delivery is the most common and safest form of childbirth. Cesarian births require that the baby be surgically removed from the mother's body, and are much more complicated.
Normal vaginal delivery.
There is no guarantee to any woman of a normal delivery. If you are carrying a single fetus, you will probably have a normal delivery.
No. It takes 280 days ( 10 lunar months) for normal delivery to take place. Such delivery is called as premature delivery.
Standard delivery - is normal postal delivery - as opposed to special, recorded or courier delivery.
There is no direct opposite. The choice is normal labor (vaginal delivery) or surgical delivery.
Whenever she wants.
there is no pathophysiology for NSD!!