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Cepacol is like a Hall but it helps throat pain, cough...etc

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What numbs a sore throat?

Chloraseptic & cepacol

What are the medicinal ingredients in Cepacol lozenges?

The only medicinal ingredient found in Cepacol lozenges is Menthol, there are several inactive ingredients however also. These include peppermint oil, propylene glycol as well as some others.

Is cepacol safe for pregnant women?

Zicam is pretty safe but there is a contraversy about the fact that this medicine is causing the loss of smell also if you or your baby are allergic to Zinc or have any sensitivity to it then you should not take it at all.

What is the quickest way to get rid of a soor throat?

Cepacol has cough drops specifically for sore throats. They completely numb your throat. This will not get rid of your sore throat but will relieve it for some time. You can always gargle with sea salt and water as well. HTH.

How do you get rid of pain in your throat What if you're not in home conditions like you're going to work or school on a bus?

If you can ask somebody for some pain relievers or you can bring your own, and bring a water bottle. or go to the store, and get some sore throat med, like cepacol or the spray.

How often should you rinse your mouth after getting it pierced?

Several times a day (4 - 5 times) and especially after you eat and just before you go to bed (bacteria really strikes during sleep.) You could use just plain salt with warm water to gargle, then spit out (don't rinse) or use the antibacterial Cepacol mouthwash.

What is the Alcohol content in mouthwash?

Mouthwash contain more alcohol than wine. It contain 6.6% to 26.9% alcohol. A detail content of alcohol in mouthwash are as below: Listerine 26.9% Scope 18.9% Signal 14.5% Cepacol 14.0% Listermint 6.6%

Which drugs do combat medics carry with them?

Morphine. REALLY? all you put is morphine? well, besides that we carry loperamide (crap pills) ibuprofen, Tylenol, epinephrine pens, fentanyl, cepacol cough drops, sudafed, claritin, ammonia inhalants, hetastarch, lactated ringers, cefatetin, tinactin, benadryl, maloxicam, tramadol, pretty much any thing we can get our hands on. i personally buy NyQuil and nasal spray and any other medications my platoon might need, like icy hot and hydrocortisone, maybe some goldbond.

Can mouthwash make your breath smell of alcohol?

Ultimately no. Not all mouthwashes contain alcohol, but the ones that due are generally small in proportion to every other chemical Example: Alcohol in Mouthwash Listerine 26.9% Scope 18.9% Signal 14.5% Cepacol 14.0% Listermint 6.6% Source: Even if you were to use gallons of mouthwash, your breath would smell mintier. It is also unlikely that the alchohol content would show up on a police issue breathaliser.

Where can you buy aspirin gum?

Hello The Brand is Aspergum.. by heritage producrs from CT unfortunately it is not on the market at this time, it was an old product. I was looking for it everywhere for my daugthers sore throat. Sorry for you and me! The reason why this is no longer on the market is that the FDA found it was causing even more gum erosion than pain it was felt to be relieving! Sore gums may indicate gingivitis or peridontitis, which need to be examined by a dentist. Peridex mouthwash may be useful in treating this. Sore throats, assuming a strep culture has been done, are best treated with something like Chloraseptic (not Cepacol) spray or lozenge.

How do you stop mouth ulcers?

Ambesol or Oragel are over the counter topical product and Cepacol can also help. A mix of Maalox and benedryl liquid can help - especially if you add prescription viscous lidocaine. Motrin and Tylenol can also help.

Can kissing pass oral yeast infection to your partner?

Definitely. Get acidolphilus tablets from drug store or Walmart and take as directed. Also, eat some yogurt to kill the bacteria. Include some garlic into your meals. Eat one wedge of garlic a day. Be careful of your stomach because as you swallow you are ingesting the infection so wash your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash like Cepacol (Rite Aid sells it). My best advice is that the person you are kissing has a clean mouth and teeth are in good condition and the person is in good health. Otherwise don't kiss them! You will become sick! And most of all don't kiss other parts of the body other than the mouth! Good luck. If you have it you will feel better within a few weeks.