It is a sign you have an infection or have been shouting too much
The cancer caused from tanning beds or too much sun is skin cancer.
No it is caused by a mental imbalance
whats caused by too much money chasing too few goods?
too much winds!
By shouting, you are over using the connective tissues in the larynx and causing a tiny amount of bleeding. The body responds to this as it does to any other tissue damage and swells up. That is really what causes the hoarse sounds.
Either too much hunting caused the population to end, or the Ice Age was too cold for them.
No, because we refray from going out from the sun. -actually Yes, because too much sun or sweating my cause some skin ailments. -physically Both, because strep throat is caused by too much shouting and talking, it might be common to soar throat but strep throat hurts more than soar throat. -mentally and socially and technically
They do
Because there are many people talking or shouting in a crowd.