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On both sides, both right and left.

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Q: What is bilaterial?
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Are octopuses invertibrates?

No they have bilaterial symetry.

What kind of symetry do arthropods have?

some have bilaterial some don't have any

Can your neck and shoulder be involved if you have bilaterial carpal tunnel and tennis elbow?

It sounds more like there may be a problem with the ulnar nerve in the elbow.

Is a jellyfish symmetry radial or bilaterial?

Brain corals are hemispherical or spherical in shape resembling a brain. They must me radially symmetrical organism.

What is the source of environmental laws in nigeria?

the source of environmental laws ar many but can be narrowed down to 5 or 6......which are constitution, administrative rules and regulation, rulings from constitution and costomary law, international agreement and bilaterial agreement between two countries

What type of symmetry do mammals posses?

Bilaterial symmetry. The animal has a symmetrical shape and position of its parts. If split in half, each half of the animal will be mirror images of the other half. For example, you have two arms and legs at the same positions but on opposite sides from the center of your body and the same for two ears, two eyes, even two nasals in your nose which is located about center of your body.

What is bilaterial subluxing patella?

Bilateral subluxing patella refers to a condition where both kneecaps partially dislocate and then return to their normal position. It usually causes pain, instability, and clicking or popping sensations in the knees. Physical therapy and strengthening exercises are commonly used to treat this condition.

Is a snail's symmetry radial or bilaterial?

The snail's body itself is bilateral symmetry. The shell it creates is not.A snail has bilateral symmetry but its shell has radial symmetry.PS. It is radial not radical.

What type of symmetry does a dolphin have?

Dolphins have bilaterial symmetry. Bilateral symmetry means the animal has symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.

Why are there no 3 legged animals?

Most animals with three legs would have difficulty moving efficiently and balancing properly, which would put them at a disadvantage compared to animals with four legs. Animals have evolved to have an even number of legs for better stability and mobility.

What do flatworms roundworms and segment worms have in common?

flatworms arent round but flatworms look like pancakes. they both belong to the invertabre group and have similar internal organs.

What is a bilateral contract?

A bilateral contract is a contract which requires agreement and performance from both parties to the contract. Most of what we think of as contracts are bilateral in nature. One party promises to do X and the other party promises to do Y. Bilateral contracts may not require negotiation but often this is a component. In contrast a unilateral contract occurs where one party makes an offer and the other party may accept by performance rather than by offering something in return. If you offer $5 to the first person who will bring you a hotdog, a unilateral contract is formed when someone performs the condition and provides you with a hotdog. If on the other hand Person A responds to you unilateral offer that he will agree to bring you a hotdog for $5 a bilateral contract is formed if you agree to accept his offer/counteroffer.