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Good Fine - good - very good - excellent - exemplary If you are referring to which is more grammatically correct--someone did fine, or someone did good, the old rule to remember is that "only Superman does good." Now there are exceptions, of course. But in general, if someone ask you something like--"how did they do?" You should answer "they did fine." Unless "they" went out and collected money for a charity or something else that is considered "doing good."

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Q: What is better fine or good?
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Fine just mean fine not good not bad just fine (could be better could be worse) I guess it mean DO BETTER

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When someone says something is fine, he or she is implying that something could have been done better or there is room for improvement. A reply of good means that job is done to the specified goals and a situation is better than fine and no real room for improvement.

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trey songz of course because he is so fine and he makes good music to

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Good means right or fine or virtuous. Better is a comparative. You can say that one thing is good. But in order to use "better" you need two things, both of which are good, and you compare the two to see which is more good than the other one. "Jake is a good quarterback. But so is Phil and between the two of them, I think Phil is the better quarterback."

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Better depends on whether big is good or bad. For example, if the question is in the context of a bonus, bigger is better but if it is in the context of a fine, then smaller is better. So please define what constitutes better.

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Depends on if your driving record is good or bad. You have a better shot of it being dropped, when corrected, if your record is good. This is an 860$ fine in the state of GA.

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It Means "Good, And You?"

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Almost Uncirculated condition grade better than Extremely Fine not as good as Uncirculated EF > AU > Unc

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It is fine to buy online if you know what you want and the shipping isn't to costly.