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Q: What is best to gargle with?
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Related questions

What is the best time to gargle with salt water?

The best time to gargle with salt water is usually in the morning or before bed, as these are times when you are less likely to eat or drink right after. Gargling with salt water can help with a sore throat, mouth ulcers, or oral hygiene.

Can you gargle your spit?


Are you mean't to swallow or gargle ammonia and ipecacuanha mixture information?

Ammonia is poisonous; don't gargle with it.

What are the release dates for Kaijudo Rise of the Duel Masters - 2012 Gargle Gargle Toil and Trouble 2-11?

Kaijudo Rise of the Duel Masters - 2012 Gargle Gargle Toil and Trouble 2-11 was released on: USA: 30 August 2013

What is the antonym for gurgle?


You just threw up and your throat hurts how do you fix it?

Best Answer - gargle salt water 1st answer - drink ice cold water

How do you use the word gargle in a sentence?

By using it as a verb. For example, you gargle the Listerine Mouthwash. "I gargled the Listerine Mouthwash before going to bed." If you want to use it in the present tense, say, "I usually gargle with mouthwash before going to bed."

Can you gargle hydrogen peroxide?

No you cant

What is the best drink in the Universe according to The Hitchhiker's Guide?

The best drink in the Universe is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, according to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is described as the alcoholic equivalent to a mugging and is known for its powerful and intoxicating effects.

How do you take care of your tongue piercing?

After you eat or drink, gargle salt water, and in the Morning and at night gargle mouth wash, alcohol free...

To wash the throat with a liquid?

that means to GARGLE

Could a gargoyle gargle?

No, but they could gurgle.