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Q: What is being healthy means?
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What is meant by being healthy?

It means that one is free of any sickness or diseases.

What does keeping away the doctor mean?

it means staying healthy and not being sick :)

What does mean being healthy?

Being healthy means good body muscles and healthy diet. A healthy person is the one who has the idea weight as per his weight and he takes balanced diet to maintain his weight.

What is the distinction between healthy and disease free?

healthy is a state of physical,social and mental well being while disease free is a state of absence of any body comfort. a healthy person can be disease free but a disease free person cannot be a healthy person

What is the meaning of healthy education?

A healthy education means a well rounded and balanced education, i.e. you are being taught or learning a number of useful subjects equally

Is being healthy the same as being happy?

no not the same but being healthy is being happy

Being healthy A is an absolute state B. means you will never be sick C. means you striving to be the best you can be at any given time D. is the same as being physically well?


Health is more than absence of disease or feeling sick?

Yes. Although being healthy can mean not being sick or diseased, most people who are described as "healthy" are not addicted to things like cigarettes or alcohol (to name a couple), and are not obese. Usually being "healthy" means eating right and exercising.

Health is more than the absence of disease or feeling sick.?

Yes. Although being healthy can mean not being sick or diseased, most people who are described as "healthy" are not addicted to things like cigarettes or alcohol (to name a couple), and are not obese. Usually being "healthy" means eating right and exercising.

What does the name valina mean?

Strong , Healthy It comes from the name Val, which means strength, being strong.

How do you say I am thankful for being healthy?

You say, "I am thankful for being healthy"!

If to be mentally sound or healthy?

It means to be in the state of having a sound and vigorous body and fully-functioning mind.Dictionary definitions of "healthy":1. enjoying sound health 2. functioning well or being sound: the company's finances are not very healthy 3. conducive to health; salutary 4. indicating soundness of body or mind: a healthy appetite 5. informal: considerable in size or amount: a healthy sum