In line 209 of Oedipus Rex, it says Bacchus/Dionysus gave his name to the thebians' country, but I don't really understand what it means by that.
In line 209 of Oedipus Rex, it says Bacchus/Dionysus gave his name to the thebians' country, but I don't really understand what it means by that.
It was where he was born. He returned there to take revenge on those that did not worship him there and that did not believe his mother had been impregnated by Zeus.
The chorus calls upon the god Bacchus to make soldiers drunk. The chorus wants the city of Thebes to be freed from the plague that's decreasing the harvest and the numbers of livestock and of Thebans. The chorus knows that the war god Ares always is ready to solve problems militarily. Bacchus' influence therefore can keep soldiers from hearing the divine call of the war god for military action.
The cast of Special Delivery - 2011 includes: Aml Ameen as Adam Kamara Bacchus as Annie
Kamara Bacchus's birth name is Kamara Nadine Bacchus.
The symbol of bacchus are grapes or ivy
Bacchus is Dionysus in Greek
In antistrophe 3 of the parados, the chorus concludes with a plea for Bacchus' help. Bacchus is a god who's liked while the war god Ares isn't. A military solution is feared and rejected, in the immediately preceding strophe 3. So the chorus asks Bacchus, 'blithe god whom we adore', to get any soldiers drunk. The drunkenness will remove the influence of Ares, the 'god whom gods abhor', from Thebes.
The God of Wine was known as 'Bacchus'. In Greek mythology, Bacchus was known as Dionysus.
The Triumph of Bacchus was created in 1629.