There are few words that can replace "middle age" as a descriptor. You would need to think of descriptive qualities or the key developmental stage.
For example, you might use "mature adults" as a non-specific phrase to indicate "older than 20s but not old age".
There are many middle-aged stars in the entertainment industry, so it depends on who you are referring to. Some examples of middle-aged stars could be Jennifer Aniston, George Clooney, or Sandra Bullock.
antique, ancient, aged
Middle Aged women read the same things other people do; Mysteries, Spy stories, Thrillers, Romances, Westerns, you name it. Or not. Some middle aged women Love Harry Potter, and/or the Twilight series. Some don't. Some love the Classice; some won't read anything copywrited before last year. They're just like everybody else.
The Middle Ages were also called the Age of Faith.
Middle aged man and women in love feel the same when they were teenagers days, sweeting, heart pounding, dreaming, smile to themselves, dress up and you name it they have it believe me no different...
It's burned out about half its nuclear-reactive material (so middle-aged?)
i thought she had a middle name and people thought that she had a middle name
Another name for a middle finger is an "obscene gesture" or simply "the bird."
The middle ear
she doesn't have a middle name. Her name is Ariana Grande-Butera. no middle name