Here are a few synonyms:
reassessment, revue, recap, follow-up, recapitulation, review article, followup, brushup, review, limited review, revaluation.
scrutiny, inspection
Nits are what lice is called before the eggs hatch. A nit inspection is when someone checks the hair of another person for lice.
No, the noun 'inspection' is a common noun, a general word for any inspection or scrutiny of anything.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, New York Vehicle Inspection Program or USDA Federal Meat Inspection Act.
they are home less
The companies that offer buildings inspection services are Inspect Your Building, BIS Inspections, and National Property Inspections to name a few companies.
Ab authorization letter to perform an inspection should include your name and address, the addressee's name and address, a salutation, and an explanation of services needed. Additional contact details should be included as well.
We are ready for inspection. This item bears closer inspection.
Third party inspection companies | Third party inspection services
Another name for an agouti is manicou!
Another name for extremophiles is Archaea.
Another name for Earth's moon is "Luna."