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Q: What is another name for Haldol?
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Is haldol a benzo?

No. Haldol (Haloperidol) is an antipsychotic.

What neurotransmitters does haldol affect?


Can you mix Ativan and Benadryl in the same syringe?

Benadryl is incompatible with Haldol, do not mix. Compatibility is unknown between Benadryl and Ativan, do not mix. Ativan is compatible with Haldol, ok to mix. To prepare and serve a B52=Haldol and Ativan in one syringe, Benadryl in another.

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Is it dangerous to smoke on haldol?

No it shouldn't do anything to you Haldol is an antipsychotic and smoking does constrict your blood vessels so it may have some effect but definitely not a dangerous effect

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Can you take haldol and lorazepam together?

If you like to drool and sit there looking like a Zombie.

Can haldol alone control mania?

he who hates his commander does not understand him...

Can you mix Ativan with Benadryl?

Benadryl can be mixed with haldol, but not with Ativan

Should you take your friends haldol?

stop sucking at life.

How much risperdal does it take you to get high?

Risperdal, the brand name for the anti-psychotic Risperidone, is not a drug with any recreational potential. It will not cause any euphoria (it's actually more likely to cause the opposite, dysphoria). It will make you drowsy in higher doses but not in a pleasant way like other depressants such Alcohol, GHB or Benzodiazepines. All in all, there is no reason to try and get high off it as it will only fail or even land you in the hospital.