Para Cardia: For Cardio
Its what you do for your cardio workout, you do it becuase you either want to loose weight or get fit.
Cardia is singular. Cardiae is plural.
Cardia Jackson was born on 1988-04-13.
"Cardia" is an anatomical term that refers to the part of the stomach that is attached to the esophagus. It has been stated that the cardia is more a part of the stomach than the esophagus.
Begum Para died on December 9, 2008, in India of natural causes.
Sottomayor Cardia has written: 'Socialismo sem dogma' -- subject(s): Socialism
cardia muscle
Tuum cor.
Braddy-cardia braddy as in paddy cardia as in car-dee-ah brædɪˈkɑrdiə
I think what you mean is tachycardia, which is faster than normal heart ranges. tachys:rapidor accelerated - kardia or cardia: of the heart. The Trachea is part of your lower airway system.
he die because of cardia arrest........