Eating too many refined (processed) carbohydrates, not getting enough exercise and, in some cases, insulin resistance. For more in-depth information about the causes of weight gain and obesity, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
High amounts of food with high fat or cholestrol
high amounts of smoking, this can lead to Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is particularly nasty to have, as tar slowly fills up in your lungs/alveoli.
As cigarettes also contain carcinogens, they're cancer causing substances. Smoking can increase your chances of a cell mutating, and potentially could become a tumorous cancer
Other unhealthy lifestyles include a lack of exercise, bringe drinking and generally not having a full balanced diet that include all your minerals, vitamins, carbs, protein, water and lipids
Unhealthy, depressing
All of them.
Yes due to unhealthy lifestyle.
Type 1 diabetes is autoimmune. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle overall. It is not caused by eating too much sugar, but by making many unhealthy lifestyle choices.
It is not using the iPad that is unhealthy, it is sedentary lifestyle that is unhealthy. You can use an iPad while jogging on a treadmill, and that is considered healthy.
There are many causes of illness, but an unhealthy lifestyle can make a person sick.An unhealthy lifestyle could include things like:Too much sugarNot enough exerciseBad nutritionLack of sleepSmokingExcessive alcoholDrug abuse
An unhealthy lifestyle is a lifestyle being lived that is a threat to the person living it whether it be long term or short term. For example, someone who has bad lungs who smokes. That is an unhealthy lifestyle to live because in the long run it can have dramatic even fatal effects. Some other examples could be other bad habits that effect one mentally such as gambling, one night stands, or being verbally or physically abusive to one, or taking in to much verbal or physical abuse without seeking help.
It depends on your height and weight, but that is likely to be somewhat underweight; unhealthy is a completely different story, and that depends entirely on your lifestyle.
Living a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent "fears" or unhealthy relationships with food. It is important to eat a well-balanced diet, live an active lifestyle, and not to deprive yourslef of "treats" or dessert-foods.
An unhealthy lifestyle is a lifestyle being lived that is a threat to the person living it whether it be long term or short term. For example, someone who has bad lungs who smokes. That is an unhealthy lifestyle to live because in the long run it can have dramatic even fatal effects. Some other examples could be other bad habits that effect one mentally such as gambling, one night stands, or being verbally or physically abusive to one, or taking in to much verbal or physical abuse without seeking help.
It could result in unhealthy lifestyle.