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When studying the effect (efficacy) of a medication, researchers will give some subjects doses of the medication under study and others an inactive or inert doses to see the relative effect of the medication.

This known as a 'blind study' because the participants do not know know whether they received the medication or the inert dose.

A 'double blind study' is when a third party designs the experiment and prepares the doses so that neither the subject or the scientist doing the testing knows which is getting the live dose.

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Q: What is an inert medication?
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What substances thought to be biologically inert that are given to patients in order to make them believe that they are getting medication?

These are called "Placebo".

What is the difference between inert and other than inert gas?

Inert means they don't react. Group 18, the noble gases, are inert.

What is another word for chemically nonreactive?

inert as in the inert gases or "noble" gases

What is a sentence using the word inert?

The inert gas had no effect on the experiment. The bomb was inert and failed to explode.

What is the term for not chemically active?

The term is "inert." Inert substances do not react chemically with other substances.

Is CO inert?

Carbon monoxide is not an inert gas.

How do you use inert in a sentence?

Helium is an inert gas, and seldom reacts with other elements. After the explosion, they discovered the inert bodies of the two guards. The inert Lunar Rover is still parked at the landing site of Apollo 17, awaiting a new battery and a new driver.

What is inert substance?

a inert gas is one that doesnt respond

What is an example of a sentence containing inert in it?

Inert means "still".

Is helium known as inert?

Yes, helium is an inert gas.

Is it safe to take medicine from a bottle of hydro PC ii that was prescribed in 2002?

You should not be using expired medication, especially since it is over 10 years old. By this time, the drug has broken down significantly into inert chemical mixtures and since the content is unknown, it can be potentially harmful for you. I would advice you to discard the medication.