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Passive immunity happens when the antibody is already given to you. For example, the antibody that can be passed from mother to child. That is a natural passive immunity. The vaccine given to you when had rabies is also an example of passive immunity because again, what is given to you is already an antibody.

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Q: What is an example of passive immunity?
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Passive Immunity & Acquired Immunity ,

What is a source of passive immunity?

A source of passive immunity is when antibodies are transferred from one individual to another. This can occur naturally through breastfeeding or transplacentally from mother to fetus, or artificially through administration of pre-formed antibodies, such as in immune globulin injections.

Is a mother breastfeeding her baby an example of active natural immunity?

passive acquired

Receiving antivenom after a snake bite would be an example of which classification of immunity?

Receiving antivenom after a snake bite would be an example of passive immunity, where antibodies are transferred from another source (in this case, the antivenom) to provide immediate protection against the venom.

What is the source of passive immunity?

Passive immunity can be given naturaly or artificially.Natural Passive Immunity can be acquired from the maternal colustrum and maternal placenta.While artificial passive immunity is given parenteraly examples are: anti tetanus serum and antivenin.

What specific type of acquired immunity that a fetus obtains from maternal antibodies that cross the placenta is called?

Passive immunity because the antibodies pass from mother to fetus.

Is antivenom passive or active immunity?


What is passive immunity and active immunity?

active immunity is the immunity that is stimulated internally as a a result of antibodies entering the body. Passive is stimulated by substances from an external source

What is the type of immune serum used to provide passive immunity to botulism passive immunity?


What are the types of immunity?

The three types of immunity is innate immunity, adaptive immunity, and passive immunity.

What are two kinds of immunity?

active acquired immunity and passive acquired immunity