Coat color and pattern is a polygenic trait, meaning it is controlled by more than one gene or gene complex. A dog with the gene for black color expression may also have the gene for suppression of black and so have a red or yellow coat. Or a dog with the brindle gene may have one or more of the genes for large areas of white and so have little or no brindle coloring visible. A dog with the dominant black gene may have genes for color fading and appear gray or merle.Rate This Answer
Skin color.
A polygenetic trait is a characteristic that is influenced by multiple genes, each contributing a small amount to the overall phenotype. These traits often show a wide range of variation in a population and are not simply controlled by a single gene. Examples include height, skin color, and intelligence.
Inheritance in which more than one gene pair affects the appearance of a particular trait. Polygenetic inheritance refers to the non-Mendelian form of inheritance in which a particular trait is produced by the interaction of many genes.
This is an odd question. ANYTHING that isn't a trait would NOT be a characteristic. So ... a table, or time.
A zygote has two alleles for each trait, one from the egg cell and one from the sperm cell.
Color blindness is an example of an X-linked recessive trait, which is a type of non-Mendelian inheritance. This means that the gene responsible for color blindness is located on the X chromosome, and the trait is more commonly expressed in males than females.
a trait controlled by many genes
Polygenic traits are controlled by multiple genes located on different chromosomes. Each gene contributes a small effect to the trait, resulting in a continuous range of phenotypes. The inheritance of polygenic traits follows the principles of Mendelian genetics, with the combined effect of multiple genes influencing the trait's expression in an individual.
Doing mathematics is definitely a learned trait.
Your Height