Anopheles is a genus of Culiciae, the mosquito family and there are approximately 400 species of Anopheles. The best known is Anopheles gambiae, as it is a known vector of malaria. There are 30 to 40 species in total that are responsible for the spread of this illness, which is caused by the Plasmodium genus of protists, the most fatal species being P. Falciparum. Some of the most common Anopheles are: * Anopheles atroparvus * Anopheles barberi * Anopheles beklemishevi * Anopheles coustani * Anopheles crypticus * Anopheles culicifacies * Anopheles earlei * Anopheles farauti * Anopheles fluviatilis * Anopheles forattinii * Anopheles funestus * Anopheles gambiae * Anopheles grabhamii * Anopheles hailarensis * Anopheles halophylus * Anopheles hyrcanus * Anopheles introlatus * Anopheles kosiensis * Anopheles latens * Anopheles maculipennis * Anopheles minimus * Anopheles moucheti * Anopheles nili * Anopheles ovengensis * Anopheles pampanae * Anopheles peytoni * Anopheles punctipennis * Anopheles quadrimaculatus * Anopheles rennellensis * Anopheles rivulorum * Anopheles stephensi * Anopheles triannulatus
Infected female Anopheles mosquito
anopheles punctulatus
Anopheles culicifacies was created in 1901.
Anopheles albimanus was created in 1820.
Anopheles dirus was created in 1979.
Anopheles barberi was created in 1903.
Anopheles walkeri was created in 1901.
Anopheles latens was created in 2005.
The scientific classification of Anopheles mosquito is as follows: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Diptera Family: Culicidae Genus: Anopheles
A mosquito
When dross suggested that the anopheles mosquito spread malaria, this was an invention.