The Italian phrase 'acido acetilsalicilico' is acetylsalicylic acid in English.
"Acid" in English is acido in Italian.
"Benzoic acid" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase acido benzoico.Specifically, the masculine noun acido is "acid". The masculine adjective benzoico means "benzoic". The pronunciation will be "AH-tchee-doh behn-TSOH-ee-koh".
Which acid (is) your best pleasure
The phrase "Acido Acetico" is an Italian phrase which when translated to English means "Organic Chemistry", which is a field of science which focuses on the study of chemicals found in organic substances.
acido ortoborico
sour = agrio or acido
Agita, as it is used here in the US means "acid indegestion". The word originated from the southern Italian slang for acid or "acido". The southern Italian slang pronunciation for ACIDO is ACEDA (pron. ah-ch-da). It has been incorrectly pronounced and written as agita in English. It is also mistakenly defined as a derivation of "agitare" to agitate. This is not the case.
acido,clorox,paraffin,and insecticide.Enjoy!!!
El nombre de H3BO4 es ácido bórico.
Some other Spanish names for borax acid are ácido bórico and tetraborato de sodio.
S. De Fulvio has written: 'Caratterizzazione ed utilizzo dei fanghi provenienti dalla produzione di acido fosforico e fluoridrico'