Abstract thinking is the opposite of 'concrete thinking'. Abstractly thinking means that you are more conceptual and general. In other words, you know that there may be more than one meaning for something. For example, "a cat on the mat": an abstract thinker would know to ask, "is the cat standing, sitting, running etc. over the mat?" whereas a concrete thinker would simply think of a cat just being on a mat somehow.
capacity to abstract with language
This is divergent thinking and abstract thought. Most people aren't able to think abstractly until they reach their teens, but there are those who develop abstract thinking early. Abstract thought be helped by training the thinking process and provide for projects to help promote abstract ideas. Divergent/abstract thought is the highest order of thinking.
Concrete thinking is more on the surface, something that you point out or think of is more obvious. Abstract thinking is something more under the surface, something that is deeper in thinking, like looking at a piece of art, pointing out the colors would be concrete, pointing out the feeling and emotion behind it is more abstract. Hope that helps.
The abstract noun form of the verb to think is the gerund, thinking.
Critical thinking is a thinking process that analyzes an ideas, statements, operations, structures and/or systems to access validity, benefit or effectiveness. Abstract Thinking is thinking in terms of concepts and ideas, rather than thinking only in terms of specific topics. Abstract though occurs as a result of Abstraction, where the thinker abstracts theories and concepts out of actual or practical situations, (or applies a theory or concept to a pratial situation). Critical thinking is used to test the validity of Abstract concepts. Abstract thought is used as a tool to increase possiblity of critcial thinking. (It is very difficult to critique a complex system without abstraction.) They are different but go together
The cerebrum makes complex learning and abstract thinking possible and is the largest part of the brain.
Yes, thinking is an abstract noun, a verbal noun called a gerund.
The abstract noun form of the verb to think is the gerund, thinking.
According to Piget abstract thinking begins at or around age 15. Some people are sooner while others never reach abstract thinking stages.
His final stage is abstract thinking which is beyond the concrete stage. The abstract thinker can invent, think critically about issues and problems, and extend the learning into new areas. This stage is usually reached about age 15 and in many cases some people never reach it. A good measure of telling if a student is in concrete thinking or abstract thinking is if they need to count on their fingers or use objects to count to do a math problem they are concrete thinkers. Abstract thinkers can do it in their heads and use logical thinking to work out problems.
The scientific study of theory is the generalization or abstract thinking.
The noun thought is an abstract noun. The noun forms for the verb to think are thinker and the gerund (verbal noun) thinking.