

Best Answer

Abouse is a conjugated form of the verb abuse in Spanish.

The word in English is abuse..

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Animal Abouse is a social problem because, us kids do love animals and so do us grownups and we allways try not to do anything that would hurt them or abuse them and just to let you know f you are a person who abuses anumals you are a freakin dush bag ya her ok so remember if you or a loved one are an animal abuser you are a dush bag,

Can you have free graboid accounts?

please use sparingly dont abouse!! first account is : hellnohaha password is: 1234 second: hellnohaha1 password is: 1234 third: hellnohaha2 password is: 1234 foruth: hellnohaha3 password is: 1234 out of curtisy for others please use only one, Thank you Posted and accounts made by Robert Anderson

Sex Offender Law & Legal Definition -Abused by Law Enforcement ?

A sex offender is a person who is convicted of a sexual offense. Sexual offenses includes such crimes as rape, sodomy, and sexual abouse. Most states have laws, which vary by state, on registration of sexual offenders. A registered sex offender is defined as a person who exhibits characteristics showing a tendency to victimize or injure others and has been convicted of a sex crime listed in the relevant state statutes, has been convicted of attempting to commit one of those crimes, or has been found guilty except for insanity of one of those crimes. The registered sex offenders are required to notify the local community authorities of their residence so that the public may have access to information about sexual predators in their neighborhood.Rape is generally defined as sexual intercourse with a person by forcible compulsion; or sexual intercourse with a person who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated; or sexual intercourse with an underage person. Sodomy is defined similarly to rape, except that it involves deviate sexual conduct, as opposed to intercourse. Sexual abuse involves similar elements of force or lack of consent, but involves sexual contact, rather than intercourse or deviate sexual acts.A sexual predator is defined as a person who is an adult or juvenile who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense and who is likely in the future to commit additional sexually oriented offenses. Definitions vary by state, so local laws need to be consulted to determine the applicable law in your area.So should a law enforcement agent, who has been charged with a sexual offense as described below, be required to register as a sex offender In the wake of recent events, many say yes, and think they should also be given harsher punishments.In May 2012 David Lowe now a former police officer, resigned just two weeksafter he was hired amid charges of sending nude videos to teens. He has been charged with electronically furnishing obscene material to minors. Additional charges are under investigation. Lowe is accused of lying about his age on the website to connect with teens. Police said he would then send explicit videos of himself to those minors online.The Georgia Bureau of Investigations got the tip and then alerted Gwinnett police, authorities said.A police officer is suppose to uphold the law, not deem himself above it. How can people seek solace in a police officer if they the officer is the one committing a criminal act? As officers of the court it is their duty to serve and protect, not frighten and attack. Former officers such as Lowe make it difficult for children and adults to reach out when they are in need of help . His actions also make you wonder how he ever got on the force in the first place, maybe they should have dug deeper into his background before giving him a badge and letting him out on the streets of Georgia.Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act Law & Legal DefinitionSex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) is a U.S. federal law enacted in 2006. SORNA is a part of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. SORNA aims to strengthen the nationwide sex offender registration network.The legislation requires sex offenders to register in jurisdictions where they reside, work, and attend school. They are also required to provide more extensive registration information and update their information on a periodic basis. The offenders are required to make in-person appearances to verify the correctness of their information on file. The frequency upon which they must periodically report and the length of time for which they must remain registered depends upon the type of sex offense for which they were convicted.SORNA also creates a uniform, national registration database on the web. The Act specifies information about the sex offenders that must be gathered, and the information that must posted on the Web. The registration and notification requirements apply to all 50 states of the U.S, the District of Columbia, territories, and federally recognized Indian tribes. Any jurisdictions that do not substantially comply with the SORNA requirements by 7/27/09 (within three years of implementation of the SORNA) may be subject to a reduction in their Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). The SORNA expands the amount of information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders.

What causes a Mormon to be excommunicated?

Well, at the end of the process there is a disciplinary hearing where both sides are presented, and that disciplinary hearing determines whether the member remains a member or not. A lot is involved in the decision, and it is to be made with great care, with the best interest of the member in mind. Even if the member is excommunicated, that person can eventually be re-baptized if they repent and come back. Also, a lot goes on before a disciplinary hearing, and a member can get a lot of help just by going to the Bishop with anything serious. Depending on the issue, it might not even go to a disciplianry hearing. Most issues can be resolved just between you and the bishop.