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There are the normal ways:
splash cold water on your face

but I personally like to take a wet, cold towel and twirl it around to make it even colder, then put it on my face. Also, if you have an alarm, make it really loud and put it a bit farther away from your bed so you have to get up to turn it off.

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Q: What is a way to get yourself out of bed and wide awake in the morning?
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Is there anyways to drag yourself out of bed and get awake early in the morning?

It is done by billions of people around the world every day, so I would assume, yes, there is a way.

How do you get your mom to change your bedtime?

act wide awake in the morning, never look tired, and say that you will study more due to your increased waking timeAnswerJust get permission to read for awhile after going to bed on time.

Why do parents make you go to bed when you are wide awake and then wake you up when your are fast asleep?

Because they love to bug you as much as possible.

Can Paxil be taken in early morning?

Most people do take the SSRI drugs in the morning. Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft often have the side effect of making you more alert and wide-awake. People often have trouble sleeping if they take these drugs right before bed. However, it really does not matter, and if you have no troublesome side effects, you can take your Paxil whenever you wish.

Why do I wake exactly 3 10am every morning not going to bed early or sane time just wake at 310 and feel wide awake I have til 5am to be up for work is this a ghost Ty?

You wake up at 3.10 am ever yday because that is how your body has been able to adapt.

Why can i physically not get out of bed?

You really do have control of it, you are just not awake yet, try moving your alarm across the room, that way you have to get up in order to turn it off, this will allow you to wake up enough to stay awake. You can also control this with your mind, as you go to bed think to yourself I will wake up at ( a specific time ), keep doing this as you fall asleep and if you did it right you will snap awake at that exact time, its a strength that has to be learned, but you can do it. "What I mean is, in the morning my alarm goes off, I wake up and my brain is fully alert, Yet, when I try to move my body to get out of bed, all I do is move the covers up close my eyes and go to sleep again, I have no control of this. can anyone help? I don't know what is happening!"

How can you get yourself to go to bed every night at eleven and get up every morning at 6 30?

Discipline. You are the only one who can.

How do you feel wen babies are not moving?

You will worry or be alarmed.Stimulate the baby to move by giving her a snack ,touch your tummy, let him be awake with a sound or try to repositioned yourself in bed.

How do I know id I'm an insomniac?

if you cant sleep and ur wide awake all the time and you never want to go to bed. if ur not on medication to keep you up, then you might have it

How wide is the bed on a ford 250 super duty?

it is eight foot wide bed...

How big is a single bed?

A single bed ... also known as a twin bed ... measures 39" wide x 75" long." By contrast, a double bed ... also known as a full bed ... measures 54" wide x 75" long." A queen bed is 60" wide x 80" long, and a king bed is 76" wide by 80" long.

What are the dimensions of a full-size bed?

A double bed ... also known as a full bed ... measures 54" wide x 75" long." By contrast, a single bed ... also known as a twin bed ... measures 39" wide x 75" long." A queen bed is 60" wide x 80" long, and a king bed is 76" wide by 80" long.