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if u r freezing it can help you get warm where you wont get hypothermia.

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Q: What is a warm compress?
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Should you Use a warm compress when caring for any wound?

warmth tends to breed bacteria. Only use a warm compress AFTER a wound is dressed.

Can a hot compress make the pus go down?

A warm compress is used to draw pus to the surface and onto the compress material. It should be as warm as bearable, rather than too hot to cause scalding. Change the compress frequently, and only use a new compress as a replacement. Don't wash and reuse a compress to avoid further infection.

What do you do when somebody has back pain?

warm compress and rest

After Liposuction bruises and swollen hot or cold compress?

Post cosmetic surgery you should use warm compress. My mother just had a breast reduction and was instructed to use a warm compress. Cold compress is to reduce swelling or inflammation after an injury like a spained ankle. Wish you the best in the healing process.

How can the application of a warm or cold compress help alleviate symptoms of IV infiltration?

Applying a warm compress can help improve blood flow and reduce swelling, while a cold compress can help numb the area and reduce pain and inflammation associated with IV infiltration.

How can the application of a cold or warm compress help prevent or manage IV infiltration?

Applying a cold compress can help constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling, which may prevent IV infiltration. On the other hand, a warm compress can increase blood flow and promote healing if infiltration occurs.

One way to warm air without adding heat is to?

Compress it, such as by inflating a tire

How do you get rid of rashes after a blood test?

Apply warm water compress on the specific area

What is a home remedy for pain?

It depends on the type of pain and location in the body. Muscular pain responds well to warm Epson salt baths and head pain responds well to cold compress. Ice helps arthritis; warm compress or heating pad helps muscular pain.

What is the quickest way to get rid of a love bite on your neck?

Use a warm compress on your neck. What has happened is that your skin has become bruised and if you use the warm compress, the area will get more circulation to the area and break up the bruise a bit faster. Oh and next time? Make Him/Her stay below the collar bones.

What causes eye swelling to go down?

putting a hot compress or warm wetted clean wash towel on it could help

What treatments are available for sinus infections other that saline sprays?

Why not try using a warm compress on your sinuses. Although it might not speed recovery from the infection, a hot compress placed across the forehead or over the nose might ease your sinus pain.