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A closed wound is characterised firstly by a crust (scab) formed when blood congeals. This is the body's defense against further infection entering the wound. When the wound is completely healed, and the scab falls away, a scar is left on the damaged skin.

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Q: What is a symptom of a closed wound?
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What is a closed wound?

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There will most likely be a large gash in the chest, and a symptom is bleeding and/or crying.

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What is a sign ir symptom of an open chest wound?

Hmmm...difficulty breathing, profuse bleeding from the area where the wound is, and a big hole in the guy's chest that shouldn't be there.

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What is a sign and symptom of an open chest wound?

Coughing up blood, sucking or hissing sounds coming from a chest wound, frothy blood appearing from air bubbles coming from the wound