It is often a selfish relationshsip that reacts from the animal part of your brain rather than the mixed moral/ethical/logical side. If you see someone cry you want to stop their crying because you you feel horrible that they are crying rather than just letting them cry because they are hurt... your own sympathic pain is more relavent than the person who is infront of you.
The example above is a simple explaination, a longer lasting relationship develops from this and can have another name this is where they feed off each other on many levels.
sympathetic and harmonious relationship.
Sympathetic means showing concern or understanding for someone else's feelings or situation. It can also refer to having a harmonious or agreeable relationship between different parts or elements.
more sympathetic
sympathetic nervous system.
verb: to be sympathetic = simpatizaradjective: sympathetic = compasivo (compassionate), comprensivo (understanding)Do not use 'simpático'. This is a "false friend" which actually means 'friendly', not sympathetic.
The word "sympathetic" can function as either an adjective or a noun.
James is a very SYMPATHETIC guy
my mum is so sympathetic
The verb form for "sympathetic" is "sympathize."
A suffix for sympathetic is "-ly", as in sympathetically.