A practical substitute is to have your skin uncovered only the time you can without being sun-burned and then cover it with clothes.
A thin layer of olive oil is a good substitute according to my experience, but I do not guatantee it protects against all kind of damages made by UV light.
I suppose that is possible.
In food eggs
working sunscreen
Transformation of coal in a substitue of oil.
Sunscreen. Lots of sunscreen.
Wear Sunscreen was created in 1998.
Well, natural sunscreen has many useful benefits that normal sunscreen does not have. A natural sunscreen for example can provide much vitamins and mineral that are beneficial for your skin in many ways. The regular sunscreen on the other hand can contain many ineffective chemicals and is not as effective as a natural sunscreen. http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2010/07/20/natural-sunscreen-review-do-mineral-based-sunblocks-work-2/
A lot of sunscreen
It can be a substitue for "is," or it can be a possessive suffix.