A sty is a little bump you get ON either eye on bottom eye lid or bottom. You know that it is a sty when you see a bump and it itches.
A sty, medically termed Hordeolum, is caused by a plugged oil gland in the eyelid. If it's on the outer surface of the eyelid, it's a plugged meibomian gland. If it's deeper inside the eyelid, it's likely a plugged moll or zeiss oil gland. These tend to go away on their own, but you can use a warm washcloth to encourage the plugged gland to unclog.
how to get rid of sty on your eyelid Put eye drops in the eye you have a sty in then put a warm cloth over the eye you have a sty in 7 to 8 times a day for 1 week and it will be gone
like eye, st-eye.
The English translation of the Filipino word "kuliti" is "sty" in the eye.
its called a sty
Yes of coarse you can have more than one sty at a time
Go see your doctor.
Do not go swimming because the sty will sting and get worse from the chlorine in the water.
I believe it is a sty. A sty is an acute infection or inflammation of the secretory glands of the eyelids. It sometimes causes, because you get dirt in your eye. I don't think it would be a sty. More than likely it is a cornea ulcer. You should see your local optomatrist.
It is most likely a sty which is an ingrown hair on the eye. It will go away with time.
A sty affects the eyelid. It is a red, painful lump that occurs at the base of an eyelash or inside the eyelid due to a bacterial infection.
Yes it is the result of an infection at the base of an eyelash follicle. But it is hard. It pretty much spreads like pinkeye, for example: You have to touch your eye, then touch something that goes near another persons eye, like mascara or eyeliner. (Pink eye spreads much easier than a sty. Sorry. MS)
Yes stys aren't contagious ( I don't think)