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If there is no bump, it is probably just an infection of the hair follicle. An infection or disturbance in the hair follicle can cause pain and discomfort in the area and when you move that piece of hair.

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Q: What is a sore spot on the top right side of head no bump?
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What can be the cause of soreness and a lump on the back of head on the right side?

I have a sore bump on the right side of the top of my head and on the right side of my ear and it's sore when I touch it. It causes slight dull headaches. Do you know what it could be.

Bump on back of my head that just appeared for no reason it is sore hard. about the size of a quarter. It is sticking out. also I have a small pea size hard bump same side but behind my ear.not sore?

Get it checked out by a doctor as it there are a number of causes. It is possible it is a sebaceous cyst, which is very common and easily removed.

I have a small pea size bump on top of my head that is sore. I have had this for five years and it is just now getting sore. The doctor told me it was a hair bump but it has gotten slightly bigger.?

is it itchy?Go to the doctors again and say its a bit bigger he/she will telll you

I have a sore bump on the back of my head it is about the size of a nickel and sore when you touch it please help I'm only 13 and there is nobody nearby so i can't get help from anyone?

go to the doctors

My daughter has a bump on the back right side of her head that is painful when touched what could it be?

Well, it could be many of things, but I would say it's just a pimple. If it doesn't go away you might want to get the bump checked out. Any bump that is sore should ALWAYS be looked at by a doctor. If it's a raised soft bump and you live in a area where there are ticks this could be possible and that's all the more reason you should see your doctor because of Lime Disease ticks can cause. It may be just a cyst that can be removed.

Sore bump on neck?

A sore bump on the neck could be due to a variety of reasons, such as an infected hair follicle, a swollen lymph node, or a cyst. It's best to have it examined by a healthcare professional to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. Avoid picking or squeezing the bump to prevent further irritation or infection.

For the last 2 days I have had a pain in the back of my head on the lower right side It feels like there is a small bumb I dont remember hitting my head on anything It's sore to the touch?

it could be an ingrown hair.

Red bump behind your ear?

no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

Is Fluid on your ear associated with right head pain?

not sure i have a little lump just above hair line on right side of head close to my right ear now this morning i have fluid in my right ear4 . no my ear does nt hurt nor does the lump unless i touch it. had a big lump in middle of head couple days ago a was really sore and ozzing .

Why do you have a sore spot on the back of your mouth To clarify the sore spot is not on the gums but in the back on the side of the mouth right by the joint. It is sore and a bit swollen?

The sore on your mouth might be as a result of a bacterial infection.

Can you get a bump on your lip if you kiss someone?

Yes, it is a virus called oral herpes which manifests itself as a cold sore, or "bump".

How do you get a sore head fast?

hit it on a table? why would you want to get a sore head