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the sharks sixth sense is to feel electromagnetic pulses in the water using its "lateral line".

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Q: What is a sharks sixth sense?
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having a sixth sense which allows the shark to detect elcetricity from a wide away.

Do you have a sixth sense?

I think that our sixth sense is balance!

Whatsthe sixth seance of a shark?

Glad you asked that! It is called Dermal vision. Sharks can sense the shapes of object such as rocks and reef hazards Through their skin- which feels like sandpaper or emery cloth. a unique super-power of the Shark. it"s sixth sense, not seance.

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The duration of The Sixth Sense is 1.78 hours.

When was The Sixth Sense released?

The Sixth Sense was released on 08/06/1999.

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M.Night Shyamalan directed the sixth sense

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The Production Budget for The Sixth Sense was $40,000,000.

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"The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable"

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The Sixth Sense was created on 1999-08-06.

What movie was about the kid who says i see dead people?

There is a lot like that. Do you know any actors in it?

Do you have sixth sense?

What some perceive as a "sixth sense" is actually something that originates from the mind, which makes it not a sense in the true sense of the senses we have.

What is sixth sence?

Currently, as far as scientist know, there is no sixth sense. Deciding wether there is a sixth sense is up to you. Personally, I think there is a sixth sense, perhaps something to do with perception (for example, knowing when someone is looking at you).