A septum is basically a divider of two things. Some examples include: the interventricular septum, that divides the two ventricles ("Chambers") of the heart. A Nasal Septum is that fleshy/cartilage divider between your two nostrils.
A deviated septum is a common physical disorder of the nose, involving a displacement of the nasal septum Presentation The nasal septum is the membranous ridge of cartilage in the nose that separates the nasal cavity into the two nostrils. Normally, the septum lies centrally, and thus the nasal passages are symmetrical. A deviated septum is an abnormal condition in which the top of the cartilaginous ridge leans to the left or the right, causing obstruction of the affected nasal passage. The condition can result in poor drainage of the sinuses, leading to frequent infections or the growth of nasal polyps. Patients can also complain of difficulty breathing easily, or of sleeping disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea. It is common for nasal septa to depart from the exact centerline; the septum is only considered deviated if the shift is substantial or is adversely affecting the patient. Many people with a deviation are unaware they have it until some discomfort is produced. But by itself a deviated septum can go undetected for years and thus be without any real need for correction
It is called the interventricular septum.
the septum divides the teo ventricles of the heart.
The Atrial septum The wall between the two atriums is called the septum. Septum Cardiac Septum Atrial septum, containing the foramen ovale. Actually its called the interatrial septum...
Interventricular septum
septum of the heart divides heart into right and left, that portion of the septum between right and left atria is called (interatrial) septum, while the portion of septum between right and left ventricles is called (interventricular) septum.
Injudicious cauterization of both sides of the septum causes a perforated septum when death of nose tissue occurs.
A septum ring is nothing more than a captive bead ring in a septum piercing.
A perforated septum is not serious.
He had a deviated septum.His septum was broken in the fight.
The nasal cavity is divided by the midline by the nasal septum, which is composed of bone and cartilage. This structure separates the cavity into right and left sides.
The septum does not have a proper function. The septum is the bit that separates the two parts of the heart from one another.