The Coumadin (warfarin) level is detemrined using an international normalised ratio (INR). Usually the desired range is an INR of 2 to 3, although sometimes different ranges are used.
Yes. It raised your coumadin level
The PT/INR blood test showed thinner than normal blood for a patient taking Coumadin. This indicates elevated Coumadin levels and the Coumadin needs to be adjusted to a lower strength.
it really depends on their doctors discretion i know in my line of work (dentistry) if a person is taking coumadin they have to be off of it for seven days before having extractions done and then they go back on it about 2 days after. Haven't had any complications with it.
Coumadin is not a carcinogen.
Coumadin can be crushed.
Coumadin can be crushed.
You can take benzonatate and coumadin together.
Yes. Coumadin (warfarin) is taken as an anticoagulant to help prevent a heart attack/stroke. A reading of 1.0 is far below the correct range of 2.0 to 3.0. To fix the problem, doctors generally prescribe a larger dose (up to 5mg) and insist on weekly blood tests. There are some foods which tend to counteract the benefits of coumadin (e.g. broccoli) and thus a doctor may suggest a change in diet. The key element here is moderation and no major binges.
My doctor prescribed 10 mg of Lexapro to me while I was taking 4mg of Coumadin daily. Not sure if it makes a difference but I am only on Coumadin for another 3 months and have been taking Lexapro for about a month. So I would imagine it is safe as long as you continue to have your INR levels monitored. But you may want to check with your dr especially if you need to be on Coumadin long-term or even forever in addition to the Lexapro.
Calotren contains no drugs, stimulants or ephedrans. It is safe to take with Coumadin. Certainly, if you have concerns, discuss this with your doctor. Calotren ingredients are listed on our website. We would also be glad to email/fax an ingredient list.
Yes. The amounts that might possibly be found in his semen are at such trace concentrations it won't do a thing.