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Q: What is a reliable indicator of dehydration?
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Not a reliable indicator of a minerals identity because it can be changed by weathering?

The color of a mineral can be altered by exposure to the environment or impurities, making it unreliable for identification. It is important to rely on other physical properties like hardness, cleavage, and streak to accurately determine a mineral's identity.

Is more reliable as a color as an indicator of a minerals identity?

Streak is more reliable!!

Which indicator is the most reliable in detection?


Which indicator is most reliable in detection?


Is more reliable than color as as indicator of a minerals identity.?

Streak is more reliable!!

Why is color not as reliable indicator of a mineral?

Color of a mineral can vary due to impurities or variations in chemical composition, making it unreliable for identification. The same mineral can have different colors, and different minerals can have the same color, leading to confusion. Other properties, like hardness and crystal structure, are more dependable for identifying minerals.

Why is blood alcohol concentration a more reliable indicator of intoxication than number of drinks?

Blood alcohol concentration is a more reliable indicator of intoxication because individuals have different tolerance levels.

Not a reliable indicator of a mineral's identity because it can be changed by weathering?

The color of a mineral is not a reliable indicator of its identity because weathering can alter or mask its true color. It is better to rely on other physical and chemical properties, such as hardness, cleavage, luster, and crystal form, to identify minerals accurately.

What is the most reliable indicator of pain is?

A client's self-report of pain.

What is more reliable than color as an indicator of a mineral's identity?

The crystal structure and composition of a mineral are more reliable indicators of its identity compared to color. Color can vary due to impurities or environmental factors, whereas crystal structure and composition are more definitive characteristics that help in identifying minerals accurately.

Are IQ tests really accurate and are their results a reliable indicator of one?

There are differing opinions on the accuracy of IQ tests. Although some believe that they are a reliable indicator of an individual's intelligence, others believe that they offer an incomplete picture.