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It works on the principle that if optimum conditions of temperature and pressure are provided to organisms , then they can grow at their maximum rate.

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Q: What is a principle of incubator?
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What is principle of incubator?

It works on the principle that if optimum conditions of temperature and pressure are provided to organisms , then they can grow at their maximum rate.

What is the working principle of BOD shaker incubator?

A BOD shaker incubator is designed to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees C. The BOD incubator has a compressor that works as a heater and a cooler maintaining the temperature at a precise 20 degrees.

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what is the function of incubator

What function of incubator?

what is the function of incubator

Who uses from the infant incubator?

infant incubator

What is the Latin word for incubator?

Incubator is Latin

What rhymes with incubator?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word incubator.

Where is it the incubator available?

I heard you can get an incubator at a poltry or hatchery shop.

How much does an incubator cost?

It depends on the type of incubator being asked about. A egg incubator ranges from 45$s to hundreds of dollars.

When was Sid Martin Biotechnology Incubator created?

Sid Martin Biotechnology Incubator was created in 1995.

Is that BOD Incubator and Bacteriological Incubator are same?

no they are not same because they varies in temperature

When was LA Cleantech Incubator created?

LA Cleantech Incubator was created in 2011.