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Usually if you take a picture from and upwards side angle while looking up at the camera it will exaggerate your features and make you look better. But it doesn't necessarily work for everyone.

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Q: What is a picture that exaggerates a person's features?
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What is a picture that exaggerates a person?

Usually if you take a picture from and upwards side angle while looking up at the camera it will exaggerate your features and make you look better. But it doesn't necessarily work for everyone.

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A caricature is a portrait that exaggerates certain features or characteristics of a person in a humorous or satirical way. It is often used for comic effect or social commentary.

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A recitative is a way of singing in an opera used for dialogue and moving the plot forward. It exaggerates ups and downs in speech to emphasize emotions.

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Windows Movie Maker (all versions) is a very basic video editing software applications with limited features... And a picture-in-a-picture is one of many features the program does not offer unfortunately.Sorry... :(

What do you call a person who exaggerates?

a ham

Can i see you real picture?

Assuming you're not blind, yes. Online, you can never be sure if the persons picture is real or not though.

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The features of the sharp 42 are HD quality with glossy picture and breathtaking picture quality. You can find this at an everyday low price at walmart and

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It can be a case of what is called "Munchhausen's by proxy". Munchhausen's refers to a person who exaggerates or creates an illness serious enough to need special attention. The point of doing this is exactly that - to get attention. Munchhausen's by proxy means that a persons exaggerates or creates an illness in another so that the person gets attention for the care and concern shown that other person.

Someone who over exaggerates?

A person who over exaggerates is often called a drama queen. Clinically the tendency to over exaggerate is called histrionic.